How Keto can help your GERD

How Keto can help your GERD

So I have seen a lot of posts about Keto and GERD and some of them are negative posts BUT HERE IS MY PERSONAL STORY

4 Years ago, I started getting horrible acid reflux and I started coughing at night until I threw up some nights.   BRUTAL.  I was eating a regular Standard American Diet and I did what most people do and I consulted a doctor and was put on Prilosec — WORST THING EVER

Guess what — the acid reflux went away — cured right?   NOOOOOOOOO

I ended up with shortness of breath and I got pneumonia — all from stupid Prilosec.  See I was still having some issues, I just wasn’t feeling them.

I went from Prilosec to Pepcid after the pneumonia but really felt like crap.

I started Keto because I wanted off the Pepcid and I had to ween off it.  No joke, it wasn’t easy and full confession, I used both Gaviscon UK and Throat Coat tea to get off the Pepcid but those were easy to ween off and FINALLY NO GERD STUFF.!!!


1 – Do STRICT KETO — and not too dirty or lazy (no gluten, no soy, no corn, no sugar).  For me the gluten was a major thing for reflux because I get it right back if I dare eat it so I don’t care how fantastic your low carb tortilla is, if it has flour, I won’t be eating it because it just isn’t worth it.

2 – CONSIDER WEENING  I did use Gaviscon liquid at night only for a few weeks when I first dropped the Pepcid because the rebound was horrible and I was scared I would get a gerd coughing fit.  Discuss with your doctor what the best weening plan is for you.

3 – CONSIDER TEA and some TWEAKING –  I used Throat Coat tea a couple of times a day especially during the rebound because it has all the herbal help for GERD that you need and I still have it once in a while but I have ginger tea in the middle of the day and sleepytime vanilla tea in the evening (regular sleepytime is also nice but I am still staying away from mint products because I am still taking baby steps)  Also if you are a coffee lover, you might want to consider a day or two without coffee to see if it is a trigger or try switching (at least for a bit) to a low acid coffee to see if it helps.   Some people doing bulletproof coffee find that the MCT is also a trigger so if you love bulletproof coffee, try it with just the butter to see if that is a trigger for you.

Getting rid of Gluten (and I never really ate much dairy) did WONDERS for getting rid of the GERD and the burning and all the other issues.  I wish I had known about them a couple of years ago and I often wish that I had never went to a doctor about the GERD because their whole “take this pill” concept really screwed me over.  But I do suggest that you do talk to your doctor and if they suggest a PPI or H2 that you ask them about dietary changes and/or herbal options because they work so much better and the side effects are so much less.



Ok so some people have WORSE GERD on Keto but I think that is mostly from their choices more than it is from the Keto.  My personal suggestions for Keto to help GERD are as follows:


2 – ELIMINATE CERTAIN TYPES OF CARBS (for me this was soy, corn, sugar and gluten).  I would personally suggest that you do an elimination diet or 30 days where you try very strict keto or low FODMAP so that you can get a good idea on what your issues are.

3 – BE CAUTIOUS OF ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS – For me, Stevia is gross and tastes like cough medicine so I just would rather have something unsweetened than bother with Stevia but I do like Erythritol in coffee or tea but I would suggest you be really careful with all sweeteners while trying to reduce your Gerd, you can always add them into your Keto later when you know your triggers.

4 – BE CAUTIOUS WITH DAIRY – I don’t eat much dairy except a small amount of cheese so this was never an issue for me.  For some people, going Keto means they overload on dairy and I see a lot of people suggesting whipping cream for coffee.  This is technically Keto but that doesn’t make it a good thing for GERD.  If you are suffering from GERD, leave the whipping cream alone until you figure out all your triggers and if you have started keto and are now suddenly getting acid reflux symptoms, examine your relationship with dairy — are you eating a lot more dairy products like heavy cream and cream cheese — these might be the issue right there.

5 – THIS IS KEY — KEEP A FOOD DIARY – I think everyone should keep a food diary but it is also nice for tracking your macros.  So if you don’t track your macros, start for at least a little while to get your triggers figured out and seriously consider doing an elimination diet for a few weeks.  Yes, it will be hard but it will take out all the offenders and if you keep a diary, it is easier to see that when you eat a certain food, you have acid reflux symptoms.

6 – VISIT YOUR DOCTOR — And be honest with them about your acid reflux and if they suggest a PPI or an H2, ask if they have a different option.  They may not and you still may want to go on a PPI or an H2 – that is your choice.